

work with amy


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You lack direction and confidence. 

You need a plan, and accountability to stick to it. A roadmap to setting and accomplishing goals, whether they be related to aspects of your health, business, personal, or a bit of each.

You are not alone. Implementing realistic practices for lasting change and growth is not impossible or out of reach, and you don’t have to have all your ducks in a row before starting the process.

This is where I come in. Join in partnership with me through my one-on-one accountability program.

work with amy

You’re not exactly unhappy, but life doesn’t seem quite like you expected. You feel like you’re constantly overwhelmed, stuck, or a mixture of both.

1:1 Accountability Coaching

You’re not exactly unhappy, but life doesn’t seem quite like you expected. You feel like you’re constantly overwhelmed, stuck, or a mixture of both.

Bi-weekly one hour calls, plus unlimited texting with Amy
Access to Small Steps, Big Gains. Over $650 in value. 
Example Modules Topics, in PDF format
  • Foundation Work
  • Goal Setting
  • Growth Mindset
  • Productivity and Focus
  • Habit Building
Three month minimum commitment. First 3 months include initial assessments to determine our starting point, creation of a personalized plan, regular tasks and follow up to carry out throughout our time together.

What does this include:

why the 3 month commitment?

On average, it takes 66 days to develop a habit. This gives us time to assess necessary changes to make and start implementing those habits into the foundation of your routine.

Part of this program includes quarterly assessments, starting with the start and finish of the initial 3 months. No more “Yearly Resolutions,” followed by a shock at the end of the year by how little progress you’ve made.

What is the goal of this program? 

  • Create a solid foundation in your life patterns, both physical and mental, to help bring order, peace of mind, and allow room for future goals. Long haul mentality.
  • Provide factual information regarding health and self-improvement. Facts, not gimmicks. 
  • Provide accountability as we assess together and decide what new skills and patterns are necessary for growth.
  • Give you a prototype to continue forward with. The work doesn’t finish after our time together, but you will be equipped with the tools and information you need to move forward on your own.

The goal of this is not to:

  • Jump on the train of the latest trends. This is not a “get thin and rich quick” scheme, metaphorically speaking. If you want shortcuts, I ain’t your girl. 
  • Make you reliant on me in order to feel successful.
  • Grant you all your goals and dreams by the end of the three months.

why the 3 month commitment?

On average, it takes 66 days to develop a habit. This gives us time to assess necessary changes to make and start implementing those habits into the foundation of your routine.

What does it cost?



get the intro price of...

Interested? Fill out the questions below and we'll be in touch to set up a time to chat!

with a 3 month minimum commitment


What's the process?



Fill out the application form.
Start our journey together. This will start with a few assessments based on your goals and where you’re currently at. This is NOT a “plug and chug” program - your plan and approach will be very unique to what you need.
I reach out to you to schedule a 30 minute call so we can get to know each other. The process of growth and accountability can be uncomfortable. If you’re investing in yourself and in this program, we want to make sure it’s the right fit for both of us before continuing!

place an "X" beside the statement that best describes where you are currently. Feel free to write something else in the box if you feel none of the below options apply to you.

I’m not disciplined at all - looking for someone to help bring organization to my life. 

I consider myself a disciplined person, but I need slight guidance and help narrowing my focus to keep me on track.

I have certain goals and dreams I’ve talked about but can’t seem to get started. When I do start, I always quit a few weeks in.

I feel overwhelmed by all life has to offer. I’m not satisfied with where I’m at, but I don’t even know what goals to set or how I should move forward.

I can’t wait to meet you!

ready to apply?

Thanks for applying!

We'll be in touch soon to schedule a call!

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